Love & Hard Drives:

     How to have cybersex with a simple talk client

      So here's the deal: you and your significant other are separated for a time period, say, 2 years, be it for school, business, whatever. You're close enough to visit every couple weeks for a few days, but that's about it. Money is tight, so you can't have many long distance bills, and you don't want your calls to her (or him) to be just for phone sex, so what do you do?

[Ed note: 10 Verbosity style points to anyone knowing the origin of the above list.]

      But cybersex?! that's for those 45 year old pedophiles, right? Well, not always. Here are the hows and whys of cybersex with a simple talk client. (not neccessarily in that order)


      You and your honey have been together for a decent amount of time, and you think that this may be the one. I mean, you don't want to blow this. You're scared that because of something like a frustrated libido, you might lose this person. You need to keep your baby satisfied in every way to make sure that she doesn't have wandering eyes. Because you know that those words won't mean shit when you find out she's hittin' it with a different guy every week, all because you weren't giving her enough good lovin'. Plus, it will bring you both closer and might inspire some bedroom hijinks when you do see her.

      Even if you're not separated by distance, another point of view is that if the two of you want to refrain from sex until marriage, this is a great way to let out sexual tension without breaking that ideal. Think about it, you're both getting pretty sexually frustrated aren't you? Wouldn't it be great to relieve that frustration with each other in a loving way rather than taking a playboy (or playgirl) into the bathroom?

      Cybersex can help an existing marriage as well. It will give you the oportunity to play out fantasies that you might not have to courage to do in real life. If you think that your sex life is dull and the 'spark' is lost, cybersex will let you take on a different personality and maybe you can open up a little more about that S & M fantasy you've been dreaming about. [ ed. note: ick. but, to each his own i guess... ] If you're too shy to ask or she's not interested, maybe you'll both feel less threatened and be able to open up a bit more online.

      The best thing about cybersex is that it's disease free, completely safe, and has far far less ramifications than actual intercourse (i.e. pregnancy, trading morals for physical gratification, etc.).


      Now that you see that cybersex isn't just for 45 year old pedophiles, here's how you're going to accomplish it. Your first statement is, "But I don't have AOL!" Never fear, AOL is not neccessary for cybersex, or for any internet chatting for that matter. AOL is just the most well known for cybersex, but cybersex is possible from many different points on the internet. There are several venues available such as websites with programs designed for chat rooms, but your disadvantage here is that you both may not have web access. Also, privacy is not easy to come by. IRC is another possibility, but like chat rooms, anyone can wander in and be a cyber voyeur unless you use DCC, so this is also a poor choice. Think of chat rooms and IRC as the bars and clubs of the cyber world. These are the places where hard up 45 year old men go and be pedophiliac. And remember, that's just sleazy and gross. This article is about helping an existing relationship between two people who love each other, not just two strangers who want to get off. Besides, if you don't know the person you're talking to, how do you know that it isn't a man pretending to be a woman? Plus these are both slower since they have to relay through a common server. The simplest and best way to have cybersex is through a simple talk client.

      If chat rooms and IRC are party lines, then a talk client is like making a direct phone call. The idea is that the computer you are logged in at talks directly to the computer your partner is logged in at. Most likely you get online via an ISP or through your school. Right now you may be saying "But all I have is an email account through my school!" Don't get dissappointed just yet. If you have an email account you most likely have a shell account, which is the best way to go about this. If you log in to the machine and have a text interface and prompt, then it is probably a shell account. Find out for sure if it is from a computer lab assistant or the help desk. If it is, then you're in good shape. To connect to someone else to talk you will want to use a program such as Talk. Usually all you need is the other person's email address. On most systems over the internet (or if you are logged in to the same server) you can type finger person@email.address and it will usually tell you if that person is logged in or not. If they are, then it is a simple matter to type Talk person@email.address. For example, if I was, and I wanted to talk to Jane for a cyber quickie, I would type talk, and it will "ring" her who will get a notice similar to this:

Message from at 1:42 ...
talk: connection requested by
talk: respond with:  talk
Then all she needs to do is type talk and we would be on our way to the "back room" as it were.

      Say, though, that you have a dialup account and can only get email through Eudora or Pegasus or a similar program. This means that you can't log in to your server directly. Bummer, right? Not at all. All you have to do is download WinTalk or a similar program, and you too can join the exciting world of cybersex. You don't have to telnet in or anything, you can chat from your windows desktop.

      Now that you've decided to do it and you know how, let me give you a few pieces of advice...

  • Privacy --make sure that you're not doing this in a full computer lab where 2 or 3 people can see your screen. If you don't have a choice and have to use a lab, then wait and have a late night rendezvous when the lab will be sparsely populated.
  • No Date Rape --if he or she just wants to chat, don't keep hitting on them. Talk is good for a real conversation, not just cybersex.
  • No Threesomes --cause that would just be too weird. What if two people both say they're doing the same thing at the same time? Whaddya do, flip a coin?
  • ^H --if you're telnetting in, make sure that you have it properly configured to send backspace codes as delete codes if you're using a UNIX based system. It's easy to have typos when you're only typing with one hand. ;)

      Now that you've had this brief tutorial, make a cyber date and go have a good time. But remember, it isn't real. This is pretend, and it doesn't mean she neccessarily wants to do it in real life. Be safe out there kiddies.


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