verbosity: anarchist, libertarian, you mention variations of these "splinter factions" in yr co-authored lit, The Cyberpunk Handbook: the Real Cyberpunk Fakebook. Where do you stand politically on issues these days? Do you get involved in political organizations often, or at all?
verbosity: While we're on the subject of yr books--one which I'm sure you don't mind discussing--how did you get to know and work with R.U. Sirius and Bart Nagel? Or was this whole book a wash, and merely data transmitted online, so that you've never actually met these guys F2F? (Think we could manage to to pull an interview with them, too, heh?)
(ed note: Since they needn't be barraged with mail, even
though jude was kind enough to give us these addresses, I'll compromise. I won't make
links, and I'll display them just as she gave them. If you want to mail the guys,
figure it out.)
and so, yes, i've met them f2f, i didn't just make them up, and i've worked
with them for more than six years, and i cherish their brains, and yes, you
can barrage them with questions... bart is egon@aol, heh heh heh, and r
u is
verbosity: You've been a subscriber to the WELL for a good while, now [a finger client returned to me a good 6+ year registration, heh]. Was it "unnerving", "exciting", or pretty much unknown when it was discovered that Kevin had broken into the system? Did WELL make this immediately know, or was it kinda suppressed? Then again, if answering this question would, ah, instigate you, don don't have to answer.
er, what was the question?
verbosity: Finally, in closing, the one question the world [or at least we have] has been dying to know... why in the world do you have an '' addy? Is this some sick joke? or do you just keep using those silly disks that the company sends out? Personally, I like them just fine as coasters, but...
hey, i'm doing some user interface design right now for Sun-- the Java Wallet. god, that impresses ME. i even get to do the drawings, o joy. i love getting $$ for art.
Corey Welton is an official haqr-gonnabe. In the meantime, he's busy recovering from the AOL question in this interview. Thanks to St. Jude for being so cooperative!